NetHappenings Newsletter Ugh Oh Democrats are no different


CEO Jamie Dimon – JPMorgan
CEO Jamie Dimon – With JPMorgan’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein under scrutiny, an Unlimited Hangout investigation has revealed that the rise of the bank’s CEO Jamie Dimon was thanks to the same network of closely connected people who enabled Jeffrey Epstein.

Banking giant Citi will transform customers’ deposits into digital tokens that can be sent instantly anywhere in the world – Bloomberg 👀
First real head-to-head competition with Ripple


Trump took credit in interfering with the Texas GOP’s impeachment proceedings of AG Ken Paxton. Trump and allies reportedly threatened Republicans into voting ‘no’ on conviction, warning they would face well-funded primary challengers if they didn’t obey.
Nothing Donald Trump says can change the fact that he appointed 3 of the Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade. He took away your right to abortion, and he won’t stop there.

Ugh Oh

The Pentagon: We don’t know where $2.3 trillion went.
The White House: We don’t know where $6.2 billion went.
The U.S. Navy: We don’t know where an F-35 fighter jet went.
The IRS: We know where that $601 went, report it if you don’t want to end in jail.


Elon Musk likes to think he saved us from Armageddon. He’s just brought it closer
“Everything Musk thought he was making better, he made worse. Since then, Musk has doubled down, spreading the very Russian propaganda that made him a dupe, and moving closer to a common fascist position with Putin.”

Republican billionaire Elon Musk announces his latest plan to totally destroy Twitter and says that he will soon start charging every user a monthly fee to use the website — a move that will drive people away from the platform in droves.
Of course, the real reason Musk wants to reach directly into your wallet is because he has completely tanked Twitter’s worth. It has nosedived since he took over due to a string of terrible business decisions. He has allowed Nazis and racists to flood the site, scaring off advertisers.

Are You Kidding Me?

Americans would rather believe a fairytale than recognize that the country is run by ruthless mobsters masquerading as intelligence agencies and corporate CEOs who will do literally anything for more money and power.
Four days ago Joe Biden quietly renewed the post-9/11 state of emergency that every president since Bush 2 has renewed annually for the past 22 years, continuing our government by a bunch of unaccountable dictatorial secret presidential orders.

Russian International Money Launderer Arrested For Illicitly Procuring Large Quantities Of U.S.-Manufactured Dual-Use, Military Grade Microelectronics For Russian Entities


“The public be damned!” ~ William H. Vanderbilt, railroad magnate, 1882

Transferring all that wealth up to them. Inflation is not a partisan issue, it’s a class issue.

“If you’re a bitcoin maximalist you know you’re a hated figure because nobody wants to face the fact that they’ve been dead wrong their whole lives about something so basic as money” ~ Max Keiser


Elsie white @Elsievotesblue

Top Republican strategists” spilled the beans, telling Axios that Trump and his allies may have broken several election laws, because they “organized an under-the-radar campaign of outside conservative pressure on the Texas senators designed to neutralize mainstream media coverage” — and that “this outside unofficial team operated independently of the Paxton legal operation — like a super PAC.” The bombshell report continues, revealing how “Pro-Paxton forces also paid social media influencers to defend the attorney general,” including white nationalist group Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk, which was described as “vital” because “he had his people posting senators’ office numbers and was giving them out on his show. Driving the senators absolutely crazy.”

The Treason of the Senate: Aldrich, The Head of It All
by David Graham Phillips
Cosmopolitan  March 1906

But Aldrich, rich through franchise grabbing, the intimate of Wall Street’s great robber barons, the father-in-law of the only son of the Rockefeller-Aldrich represents the colossus. Your first impression of many and conflicting interests has disappeared. You now see a single interest, with a single agent-in-chief to execute its single purpose − getting rich at the expense of the labor and the independence of the American people. And the largest head among the many heads of this monster is that of Rockefeller, father of the only son-in-law of Aldrich and his intimate in all the relations of life!

And yet, what has the Senate done − the Senate, with its high-flown pretenses of reverence for the Constitution? It has so legislated and so refrained from legislating that more than half of all the wealth created by the American people belongs to less than one per cent of them; that the income of the average American family has sunk to less than six hundred dollars a year; that of our more than twenty-seven million children of school age, less than twelve millions go to school, and more than two millions work in mines, shops and factories.

Corruption of the Senate

Trust me, I leaked the Pentagon Papers. Trump is an enemy of the Constitution and must be defeated Daniel Ellsberg 2020

Only Bernie is different. Congressional Democrats now expressing righteous outrage over the expiration of the expanded child tax credit when in fact this happened only one year ago
Democrats quash Bernie Sanders effort to revive child tax credit Aug 7, 2022

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So, Special Counsel Jack Smith wants to place Trump under a gag order, yet NBC just gave Donald Trump a national platform to lie with minimal pushback. You see the problem here? Our media still doesn’t understand the lethal threat Trump poses to democracy & treats him normally.

17 days ago, Forbes and the Wall Street Journal reported that Epstein, Peter Thiel and Thomas Barrack (and possibly other Trump supporters) all met with the RU Ambassador to the UN.

Inside ShadowDragon, The Tool That Lets ICE Monitor Pregnancy Tracking Sites and Fortnite Players
ShadowDragon tracks BabyCenter, a website for people expecting children, as well as social media sites specifically for Black people, bodybuilders, and the fetish community.
“Companies like Shadow Dragon collect an extraordinary amount of information from social media and other websites about the activities of internet users. This type of mass surveillance, which is available to the government and other entities, creates a chilling effect on online activities,” Jeramie D. Scott, senior counsel & director of EPIC’s Project on Surveillance Oversight, told 404 Media in an email. “Our interactions, associations, words, habits, locations—in essence our entire digital lives—are being collected for scrutiny now and indefinitely into the future through expanding analytical tools of black box algorithms. The abuse of such tools is not an ‘if’ but a ‘when.’”


Mitch McConnell is not well, but he can’t retire with dignity, or else a Dem will take his seat. The law that forces the KY Gov to pick a Republican is probably unconstitutional, and McConnell understands how raw power works.


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