ECP NetHappenings Newsletter Trump Indictment, Health, Unions

#Trump Indictment, #Health, #Unions

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice.

In practice there is.

– Yogi Berra

“We all know how republican liars love lionizing their failed presidents like Ronnie and GW Bush.
Those convicted or indicted for their actions on or around January 6 are insurrectionists and criminals. We, as an entire country, have essentially ended the restraints on gun violence and restored racism to its pre-civil rights era status. Before the civil rights era, when a southern politician was in a tough political fight, it was standard to double down on hate and bigotry. This is about Crime and Democracy.
Trump was responsible for everything that happened following the 2020 election. He had his 60+ appeals summarily rejected in courts including many rulings by Conservative judges he appointed. He wouldn’t accept defeat. Hence, he now faces almost 100 felonies. Never forget that the lying, cheating, thieving, racist and traitorous monster, Trump rode the racist birther horse all the way to the White House, because the racists couldn’t accept the fact that President Obama’s election debunked many a racist stereotype that they’ve held as multigenerational facts. Trump is unqualified and thus (if nominated) not on the (general) ballot in 5+ blue states (vt, ct, or, ca, a few others). He’s unfit to run.” ~ anon

Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants will be arraigned September 6 on charges in the Georgia election subversion case. Follow live updates.
September 6 Arraignment for Donald Trump- Fulton County GA.
Rudy Giuliani arraignment following next.

Judge: Trial will commence March 4, 2024
Judge sets March 4 trial date in Trump’s federal election subversion case, one day before the Super Tuesday primaries in the 2024 presidential race.
John Lauro stands to argue “That trial date is inconsistent with President Trump’s right to due process”
Judge: “your objection is noted for the record”

Wash, D.C. #TrumpIndictment
Judge Chutkan takes up Trump’s motion to exclude the past 25 days from the “speedy trial” clock in this case. (The 25 days between arraignment and …. today)
Motion granted.
The 25 days between the arraignment and today are excluded from speedy trial clock in case
Now… hearing shifts to the big matter: Trial date Judge Chutkan details the recommendations
Jack Smith wants January 2, 2024 trial date.. estimate 4-6 weeks for making the case.

Judge Chutkan: “Setting a trial date should not depend on a person’s professional obligations. Mr Trump will have to make this work.. regardless of his schedule”
Judge says “speedy trial” rights not only protect defendant…. but the “public interest” too
“Public has an interest in the fair and timely administration of justice”
Judge says defense hasn’t identified ANY other cases in DC in which TWO YEARS was given before trial, in which there were no co-defendants
She also criticizes other cases cited by defense when they sought 2026 trial date… she says *those* cases happened during COVID slowdowns.

Federal judge sets March trial date in Trump’s election interference case
The trial will begin in the middle of the Republican presidential primaries. Special counsel Jack Smith had requested a January trial, while Trump pushed for a 2026 start date.

Prosecutor says defense “doesn’t want to admit” that thru electronic searches and modern American trial prep tools, Trump can be ready much earlier than 2026. Prosecutor uses defense attorney John Lauro’s own words against him …. she says the night of the indictment, Lauro called the criminal case a “regurgitation” of the Jan 6 Select Cmte investigation
Indicating.. he understood the case quickly

Trump’s federal trial for subverting election is scheduled for next March.
He is a defendant in seven pending cases: four criminal prosecutions and three civil lawsuits. Starting this fall and continuing through the first half of 2024, he is likely to face a near-constant string of trials that will overlap, and perhaps overshadow, the primary calendar.

Gaston says “There is an extraordinary public interest” in a fair and speedy trial”
“On a near daily basis, the defendant posts on social media about this case” … “this potentially prejudices the jury pool”
Prosecution is leaning heavily into the argument that Trump’s social media posts and statements require the “soonest possible trial date”….. including by mentioning Trump’s comments about case, possible witnesses and the District of Columbia.

Trump Campaign Reports Raising More Than $7 Million After Georgia Booking
Trump arraignment set for Sept. 6 in Georgia election case

Democrats renew push for voter protections on the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington
A group of Democrats has announced a package of bills to “boost free and fair access to the ballot.” But the partisan effort is unlikely to pass in the divided Congress.

#FederalistSociety #Resurrection Two lawyers caught up in the highest levels in the Fulton County indictment, both of whom are also unindicted co-conspirators in the January 6 indictment, are not third-rate weirdos. Instead, they are conservatives with lengthy careers and strong ties to the Federalist Society, Leonard Leo’s breeding ground for hard-right lawyers.


Companies That Try to Union-Bust Will Be Forced to Recognize Union, NLRB Says. The National Labor Relations Board just made it a whole lot harder to union-bust.

McDonald’s agreements illegally suppressed workers’ wages.
McDonald’s must face antitrust claims over worker ‘poaching,’ court rules
The 7th Circuit on Friday also said the district court judge should rethink his ruling declining to certify a nationwide class in the lawsuit. McDonald’s has said the class could include millions of workers.


Why food safety is broader than pathogens and allergens

14 Years of Food Safety News

FDA #FoodSafety sends warning letters to companies in Illinois, New Mexico and Texas over import violations

A Big-Deal Effort To Lower Prescription Drug Prices Is Set To Launch This Week
The Biden administration plans to name the first 10 Medicare drugs subject to price negotiation, while pharmaceutical companies try to block the effort in court. This initial set of negotiations, the drugs can only come from Medicare Part D, which is the privately managed part of the program that covers most of the drugs people buy at pharmacies and administer themselves. Negotiation over drugs through Part B, which are typically administered in clinics and doctor’s offices, will take place in later years.

Ozempic seems to curb cravings for alcohol. Here’s what scientists think is going on
“Right away, I started eating less and losing weight,” he says. That was expected. But what Grayson hadn’t expected was that the drug also immediately altered one of his other habits.
“Dopamine in the striatum [the brain’s motivation center] is the motivation and learning signal for everything. Not just for food,” DiFeliceantonio says. “All addictive drugs increase dopamine there. That’s a common thing.”
But studies have found that in animals and people, GLP-1 drugs reduce the release of dopamine in this region when you eat something sweet and fatty, or when you consume alcohol. “The drug talks with our brain and says, ‘we’ve had enough food here. So let’s slow down. Let’s have less appetite, let’s have less food. Less alcohol,” says NIDA’s Leggio. But for scientists who study GLP-1 drugs, this striking side effect was exactly what they expected. “It’s really not surprising,” says pharmacologist Elisabet Jerlhag.

Chikungunya Virus’s “Invisibility Shield” Uncovered – New Findings May Lead to Vaccines or Treatments

Microgreens vs. Mature Veggies: Comparing Nutrient Content and Weight Loss Potential

Scientists Sound the Alarm: COVID-19 Virus Is Rapidly Evolving in White-Tailed Deer


Vivek Ramaswamy sure says a lot of stupid shit, by @itsJeffTiedrich

Former Navy SEAL Who Claimed to Have Killed Osama bin Laden Arrested in Texas

Police Accountability Report sits down with popular YouTube cop watchers The Battousai and James Freeman to discuss the state of cop watching today and how the police are trying to make the practice illegal.

Tesla braces for its first trial involving Autopilot fatality
The 2019 crash, which has not been previously reported, killed the driver and seriously injured his two passengers, including a then-8-year old boy.

Idaho restaurant assembles world’s longest Philly cheesesteak

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