Jared Kushner’s $2 billion corruption has been referred to the DOJ

Jared Kushner’s $2 billion corruption has been referred to the DOJ

Q What happens when you bring home all the solders from an endless war that watched FOX for the whole time?
A Greedy racist talibangelical right wing fascists need to get deprogrammed.

Jeff Sharlet (jeffsharlet.bsky.social)
Oh Yeah!! Former FB exec on the new plan to completely capitulate to Republicans. Note what’s being said here: because Democrats weren’t grateful for inadequate effort, there will be no effort. “Both sides” complained; FB has chosen one of them, the Right.

SmaryRamy says he would’ve certified the 2020 election results and that Pence missed an ‘opportunity for heroism’

SmarmyRamy is not a serious Presidential candidate. Even if, and its a long stretch to think he could, he wins the GOP nod, there is no way he wins the general.
He refuses to acknowledge Climate Change – he loses the youth vote
He refuses to acknowledge racism – He loses the black vote
He agrees with a ban on abortion – there goes the Womens vote
He wants to abolish Teachers Unions and the Dept of Ed – bye bye every teacher in America

Peter Thiel and Bill Ackman have invested $20m in Strive Asset Management, a fund manager founded by pharmaceutical investor Vivek Ramaswamy.  Smaryramy has deep ties to right-wing activist Leonard Leo, who has marshaled unprecedented sums in his push to stock federal courts with conservative judges.
All you need to know:
“Conservative leaders have called Vivek Ramaswamy one of “the most compelling conservative voices in the country””

Racially motivated mass shootings aren’t a bug in republicans’ plans to create racial strife for grift and votes. They’re a feature, and working as planned.
They will act shocked and upset, that’s part of the game but anti-CRT and anti-Black history take one inexorably here.
Jacksonville shooting is the latest incident of fatal violence driven by white supremacy

“Ask Not…. What Your Country Can Do For You…”

Ask why the whole fucking Trump family isn’t in Prison?

Cruel psychopaths are so entertaining.
He can’t control himself’:

Trump put on notice judges may be forced to jail him.

“Thursday night was performative for Trump: sweeping in with his private jet and giant motorcade that screamed two-tiered justice system, with law enforcement clearing the Atlanta streets, like centurions clearing the way for Caesar.”

The Kubrick Stare: is one of director Stanley Kubrick’s most recognizable directorial techniques. A method of shot composition where a character stares at the camera with a forward tilt, to convey to the audience that they are at the peak of their derangement.
When you get 1 phone call in prison, you dial your lawyer and the phone in the cell next to you answers!! On the bright side, if they are convicted of racketeering they will be able to reminisce together in prison for at least 5 years.


Trump is mad everyone’s putting his mugshot on T-shirts & mugs without paying him.
“Many of those vendors are just trying to profit off of President Trump’s persecution without even supporting him! Not nice!
That’s why we want to remind you that there is ONLY ONE OFFICIAL mugshot shirt certified by the man himself who was wrongfully arrested as an innocent man in one of the most violent jails in America, President Donald J. Trump.”
His CERTIFIED mugshot T costs $47.

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