ECP NetHappenings The First Spot Bitcoin ETF

First Spot Bitcoin ETF In Europe Listed On Euronext Amsterdam

Meta to use work badge and Status Tool to snoop on staff
Not in office three days a week? Repeated ‘violations’ could lead to termination

Signal’s Meredith Whittaker says Chat GPT can’t be trusted
NEW PAPER! Where @davidthewid, @sarahbmyers & I unpack what Open Source AI even is.
We find that the terms ‘open’ & ‘open source’ are often more marketing than technical descriptor, and that even the most ‘open’ systems don’t alone democratize AI 1/
This paper examines ‘open’ AI in the context of recent attention to open and open source AI systems. We find that the terms ‘open’ and ‘open source’ are used in confusing and diverse ways, often constituting more aspiration or marketing than technical descriptor, and frequently blending concepts from both open source software and open science. This complicates an already complex landscape, in which there is currently no agreed on definition of ‘open’ in the context of AI, and as such the term is being applied to widely divergent offerings with little reference to a stable descriptor.

Origin Stories: Plantations, Computers, and Industrial Control
Meredith Whittaker

The blueprint for modern digital computing was codesigned by Charles Babbage, a vocal champion for the concerns of the emerging industrial capitalist class who condemned organized workers and viewed democracy and capitalism as incompatible. Histories of Babbage diverge sharply in their emphasis. His influential theories on how “enterprising capitalists” could best subjugate workers are well documented in conventional labor scholarship. However, these are oddly absent from many mainstream accounts of his foundational contributions to digital computing, which he made with mathematician Ada Lovelace in the nineteenth century.1 Reading these histories together, we find that Babbage’s proto-Taylorist ideas on how to discipline workers are inextricably connected to the calculating engines he spent his life attempting to build.

Your bank took your money and bought these bond things
Because the Fed has to fix the near-hyper-inflation they caused, the stuff your bank bought with your money is falling fast. The Fed broke banks and the banks no longer have your money.
Do you understand? This is about the entire US banking system.
Every small to midsized bank has this exact same issue.
The Fed drove banks into record deposits + loans and then crushed fixed income assets at record pace.
Their irresponsible monetary policy has driven the US banking system into extreme insolvency.
Any trust the Fed had is now gone.
#Bitcoin fixes this. This was Satoshi’s innovation.
#Bitcoin is the only instrument in history with an absolute fixed supply and incorruptible monetary policy.
You cannot inflate it.
You cannot change it.
You don’t need to trust it.
America can truly appreciate #Bitcoin now.

MAGA Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare programs that also includes Lyn Alden. She doesn’t think the #Rich should be taxed to make up for the loss.



Alfred Sikes, the former head of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) during the George H.W. Bush administration, is throwing his support behind a bipartisan bid to reject the broadcast license renewal of a local Philadelphia channel owned by Fox Corporation. Sikes’ informal objection comes on the heels of a formal petition to deny Fox 29 Philadelphia’s license that the non-partisan Media and Democracy Project (MAD) filed with the FCC last month.

Where does Flynn get the $$$ to bankroll his operations? Putin? Is it laundered? If so, who or what organizations are helping Flynn launder his $$$ ?
@jimstewartson Cults, Brainwashing, Psyops & QAnon

The Fourteenth Amendment itself, in Section 3, answers the question whether disqualification is “anti-democratic,” declaring that it is not. Rather, it is the conduct that gives rise to disqualification that is anti-democratic, per the command of the Constitution.
@tribelaw says @judgeluttig’s is the right answer to the self-defeating claim that it’s “undemocratic” to enforce the 14th Amendment’s democracy-saving clause disqualifying those who betrayed their oath to the Constitution by trying to overturn our imperfect democracy instead of perfecting it.

AGENT K “It’s malignant narcissism and toxic egotism at its worst. Elon Musk has supreme wealth, but he only wants more and doesn’t care if he hurts other people to get it. He exemplifies the dangers of the billionaire class. Nothing about them is philanthropic.”

Ronan Farrow’s expose on Musk is out. It’s a MUST READ. Here are some stand-out moments.
Musk deliberately throttled Starlink – the communications system Ukraine was relying on in battle. He held it hostage for $400M at critical points in the war. His pro-Putin stance aligns with his goals in China: keep China happy because that’s where he makes Teslas. Beijing disapproved of Musk helping Ukraine because they lend support to Russia. That explains Musk’s desire to hand Taiwan over to China.

Some of the most telling passages from the Ronan Farrow expose on Elon Musk imply he wants nothing good for anyone unless he can take credit, gets off on risk and destroying things, has a grandiose ideology and a dangerous grip on world leaders. SUPER.

NEWS: Bart Stephens claims to be victim of $6.3 million SIM-swap attack in new lawsuit

The Rot of the Crypto Economy Goes Deeper Than Sam Bankman-Fried

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