Do Not Comply and more Republicans Die

Hospitalizations are already soaring in many countries. Especially in New York where even ICUs are increasing alongside doubling hospitalizations for COVID, and surging #EG5 #Eris. US COVID levels in wastewater at a pretty sharp upturn. We are nearing the levels of #COVID19 wastewater signals that approach previous waves. And it’s only summer—not even winter time. This is a worrisome signal, given traditionally summer was usually not as bad.
August 17th update (Biobot): US community spread is back up to “high” with an estimated 610,000 daily new infections.
Similar levels in all 4 US regions.

🔸610,000 new infections/day⬆️
🔸1 in every 550 new people were infected today
🔸1 in every 55 people currently infected

CDC is tracking a new lineage of the virus that causes COVID-19. This lineage is named BA.2.86, and has been detected in the United States, Denmark and Israel. CDC is gathering more information and will share more about this lineage as we learn it.

The new booster is tailored to what we see now and the booster will be released in September. *There are millions of Joe Rogan followers who will refuse the booster and won’t wear a mask! They are screaming
“Do not comply” EX: We should reject the WEF “Great Reset” Reject the WHO “Pandemic Treaty” And reject the globalists Man made climate change hoax and reject the net zero green agenda nonsense. Resist,Defy do not comply. More Republicans will die.

The vaccine rollout that’s going to be happening in the fall… that’s going to be an Omicron subvariant-specific booster. There’s very good reason to believe there is going to be good protection.”

Nov. 29, 2021 Trump’s White House doctor calls omicron a midterm elections trick
Highly mutated COVID variant BA.2.86 has been detected in the U.S. Why the CDC and WHO are monitoring it

BucksCountyBeacon @BucksCoBeacon
According to the report, Pennsylvania’s high courts can ensure election results are respected, protect voting rights and ballot access, and uphold checks and balances, citing several examples in which the courts have already done so..
@protctdemocracy’s new report “Democracy on Trial: The Role of Pennsylvania’s High Courts in 2024 and Beyond” underscores why voting in our state’s judicial elections is so critical for protecting our democracy and voting rights, reports @cacarusoo
New Report Emphasizes Importance of Upcoming Judicial Elections in Pennsylvania
Democracy and voting rights can either be protected, or gutted, in the state’s high courts. Bucks County power struggle could hint at shifting suburban politics for 2024 | “As Bucks County goes, Pennsylvania will go.”
@politico covers #BucksCounty commissioners race.

Taylor Swift is concerned about climate change.
Taylor Swift private jet emits more carbon in a single trip than your car in your entire lifetime (and that jet flew more than 200 times last year), but it’s your car that’s causing climate change.

Brought to you by ZUCKER the next covid thing to focus on.
Charlie Chester CNN tech director talks about instilling the next fear – climate change – since Covid isn’t so scary and something that can control Americans anymore.
Project Veritas is a group affiliated with James O’Keefe, a right-wing provocateur known for a series of deceptive videos attacking targets like Planned Parenthood and ACORN, a community organizing group. As of 2017, Project Veritas’s main targets were the mainstream news media and left-leaning groups via “undercover ‘stings’ that involve using false cover stories and covert video recordings meant to expose what the group says is media bias.”

Trump has been found, by a Court of Law, to be a “sexual abuser/rapist”. He’s a vile man who belongs in a cell.
Katie Johnson’s (aka Jane Doe) rape claims are supported by court documents, a witness (who worked for Epstein) and her own under oath affidavit.
“I understood that both Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew that I was 13 years old. Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994.”
Here is a link to the Jane Doe affidavit.
Here is a link to the Tiffany Doe under oath affidavit.


Citizens under the age of 35 cannot run for or become President, but there are no specific age limits for serving in the House of Representatives or the Senate. Many members of Congress have been younger than 35 when they were elected to the House or the Senate.

Absolutely critical piece by Laurence Tribe and Michael Luttig:
“If the public record is accurate, the case is not even close. [Trump] is no longer eligible to the office of Presidency, or any other state or federal office covered by the Constitution.”

Bitcoin is not up against commercial banking, credit cards, PayPal or any other private/public company.
Bitcoin is up against the most powerful institution in the history of mankind, Central Banking.

“Rich Men North Of Richmond,” @AintGottaDollar
Compilation of tons of the reaction videos of Rich Men North of Richmond. It’s real easy to think we are divided by race or group or age or whatever nonsense the media is pushing… but we aren’t. It simply serves DC if we hate each other, instead of them.

A succinct explanation of inflation by @TheGuySwann, inspired by the music of @AintGottaDollar

Anything is legal if you can afford to pay the fines of Human greed. It’s been clouded and protected under the corporate umbrella for far too long. It’s destroying the middle class.

CNBC News anchor for 30 years, @JoeSquawk ‘half joking’ says the younger generation should buy bitcoin instead of bonds.

People in Turkey learning about #Bitcoin
– Inflation = 47%
– Interest rates = 17.5%
Buy #Bitcoin before you need it.

“Are US Treasury Bonds Still Safe to Invest In?”
Watch till the end.
Goolsbee’s face expresses the exact moment he realizes he needs to buy #Bitcoin and a lot of it.

FYI Yes Folks there is such a thing…..
646-869-7538 Weird and wonderful number to call. It rings up an ELEVATOR somewhere in Midtown Manhattan. Your voice booms out over a security speaker, phreaking out whoever is on the elevator. Luck is key. I just had some fun tormenting elevator passengers.

Bill Pascrell Jr. I‘ve signed onto a motion to force a vote to make Roe v. Wade the set law of the land. Let’s put it on the floor and put all republicans on the record if they support women’s freedom.

Robert Reich @RBReich Aug 18
Never forget this: The GOP’s manufactured crises are meant to distract you from obscene wealth consolidation, climate annihilation, and the subversion of our democracy.

3 years ago, the average 30-year mortgage rate was 2.98%, per Charlie Bilello. The median existing home price in the US was $294,000 .
Currently, the 30-year mortgage rate is 7.23% and the median home price is $440,000.

The Biden administration is attempting to prevent youth-led climate lawsuits from going to trial — just like Obama and Trump’s admins did before them.
We spoke with the lead attorney for this case to understand their obstacles.
In an attempt to block kids’ climate lawsuit during a deadly heatwave, the Biden administration insisted that Americans have “no constitutional right to a stable climate” that supports human life, according to court records reviewed by @LeverNews

After the election, Georgia officials began a recount of the results in that state. We obtained two sets of records that provided additional details of Trump’s attempt to use the recount to overturn Georgia’s election results.

A nursing agency in Mississippi has to pay $314,211 after stealing wages from 91 nurses.
Emry Oxford is the CEO of Prime Care Nursing.
He violated the Fair Labor Standards Act and robbed his workers, but he won’t go to jail for it and the media doesn’t give a shit.
“The agency required the firm to pay back wages and damages to a total of 91 nurses, some of whom had worked as many as 84 hours in a single week. The agency, based in Greenville, MS, also agreed to pay overtime moving forward.”
The agency required the firm to pay back wages and damages to a total of 91 nurses, some of whom had worked as many as 84 hours in a single week. The agency, based in Greenville, MS, also agreed to pay overtime moving forward.

DEADBEAT: Green Party presidential candidate Cornel West currently owes more than half a million dollars between unpaid taxes and unpaid child support, according to tax records.
Records show West owes nearly $466,000 in federal income taxes from 2013 until 2017. And Cornel West’s campaign is being run by Russian asset, Jill Stein. What else do you need to know?

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