musk talks about xAI

7/25/23 First full day Twitter officially rebranded as X

xAI Everything you need to know by @thealexker

@elonmusk talked about xAI, his new AI company, on Twitter Spaces this afternoon July 14th 2023. Here’s everything you need to know:

Goal: Build a “good AGI” How? Build an AI that is maximally curious and interested in humanity.
Criteria for AGI: It will need to solve at least one fundamental problem.

The mission statement of xAI: “What the hell is going on?”
AGI is currently being brute-forced and still not succeeding.
Prediction: when AGI is solved, it will be simpler than we thought.

2 metrics to track:
1) The ratio of digital to biological compute globally. Biological compute will eventually be <1% of total compute. 2) Total electric and thermal energy per person (also exponential) xAI as a company: Size: a small team of experts but grant a large amount of GPU per person. Culture: Iterate on ideas, challenge each other, ship quickly (first release is a couple of weeks out). Competition: xAI is in competition with both Google and OpenAI. Competition is good because it makes companies honest. Elon wants AI to be ultimately useful for both consumers and businesses. Q: How do you plan on using Twitter's data for xAI: Every company has used Twitter data for training, in all cases, illegally. Scraping brought Twitter's system to its knees; hence rate limiting was needed. Public tweets will be used for training: text, images, and videos. But at some point, we will run out of human data... So self-generated content will be needed for AGI. Think AlphaGo. Motivations for starting xAI: The rigorous pursuit of truth. It is dangerous to grow an AI and tell it to lie or be politically correct. AI needs to tell the truth, despite criticisms. Q: Collaboration with Tesla? There will be mutual benefit to collaborating with Tesla, but since Tesla is public, it will be at arm's length. Q: How will xAI respond if the government tries to interfere? Elon is willing to go to prison for the public good if the government intervenes in a way that is against the public interest. Elon wants to be as transparent as possible. Q: How is xAI different than any other AI companies? OpenAI is closed source and voracious for profit because they are spending 100B in 3 years. It is an ironic outcome. xAI is not biased toward market incentives, therefore find answers that are controversial but true. Q How to prevent hallucinations + reduce errors? xAI can use Community Notes as ground truth. xAI will ensure the models are more factual, have better reasoning abilities, and have an understanding of the 3D physical world. AGI will probably happen 2029 +/- 1 year. Any verified, real human will be able to vote on xAI's future.

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