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Sweden set to join NATO after Turkey agreed to their membership.

Clarence Thomas has been taking gifts from the ultra rich for decades and not disclosing it. NYT Excellent story:

Corporate greed is suffocating the working class.

CEO-to-worker pay ratio:
1965: 20-to-1
1978: 30-to-1
1989: 58-to-1
1995: 121-to-1
2020: 351-to-1
Now: 399-to-1


Your periodic reminder that Medicare For All would save $450 billion in health care costs and 68,000 lives per year.

Business daddy needs you back in the office so his commercial real estate holds its value, but it would cost him too much to make it safe for you to be there, so if you get long Covid and are too sick to continue working, he’ll just replace you and never think of you again.
A California man caught covid at work. He infected his wife who ended up in ICU. So he sued his bosses. The largest lobbying group in the US got involved. The court ruled against the man because a victory would mean “dire financial consequences for employers.” Is it clear yet?

Anna Muzychuk is champion & queen of chess. She refused to play in Saudi Arabia.”I refuse to play with special rules, like wearing an Abaya, being accompanied by a man to leave the hotel. Will lose 2 world titles. It’s unfortunate, but I can’t feel like I’m a 2nd class person.

In a major blow to BRICS,  India declares they are not interested in creating a common gold-backed currency.
India does not wish to hurt trade deals with the 🇺🇸 US and 🇪🇺 EU, desires to strengthen the Rupee, and sees 🇨🇳 China using BRICS to their own benefit

So Much For “Protecting Children”

“The Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints can refuse to answer questions or turn over documents under a state law that exempts religious officials from having to report child sex abuse.”

The Arizona Supreme Court upheld “clergy privilege,” ruling that the Mormon Church doesn’t have to report sexual abuse. What the hell kind of law protects pedophiles? Oh, right. A Republican one.

Ohio republican representative, Bob Young, has been arrested for domestic violence against a family member that caused a judge to issue a temporary protection order against him. Young’s campaign ran ads claiming his Dem opponent committed domestic violence 20 years earlier.

#PA #Bucks Because destroying one school district isn’t enough.
“Donors to Common Sense Solutions included venture capitalist Paul Martino of Doylestown, the founder of what is now Back to School PAC who gave $3,000”


Magats! Former White House national security pick Monica Crowley is now reportedly working for a pro-Russian oligarch!

Journalists shouldn’t have to choose between protecting their confidential sources or going to prison. Thankfully, if Congress passes the #PRESSAct, they won’t have to, at least in federal cases.
Tell Congress: Pass the PRESS Act now!

Were the First Laws Sung? I make some radical claims in this extract from my new book ‘Music to Raise the Dead’.

Craigslist destroyed newspaper revenue and, in turn, polarized & nationalized American politics

Alleged CIA armorer Paris Theodore was from a show business family. His aunt was Cyd Charisse. He appeared in NBC’s 1955 broadcast of Peter Pan as lost boy Nibs, which starred the Mary Martin Paris Theodore (January 9, 1943 – November 16, 2006) was an American inventor of gun holsters and firearms and shooting techniques used by government agents and police departments in the U.S. and abroad, as well as by the fictional James Bond. Dancer/choreographer Lee Becker, who played Anybodys in the original cast of West Side Story, was the wife of alleged CIA armorer, Paris Theodore credited with creation of ASP 9mm handgun, among other things.

@allenanalysis The fact that the Supreme Court allegedly violated Article III of the Constitution by deciding a case based on hypotheticals and a fabricated name and we are barely hearing anything in the media regarding this anymore is beyond comprehension. This goes against the principle that the Court’s jurisdiction is limited to actual cases and controversies.
Recently, the Court ruled in favor of a Christian graphic artist, Lorie Smith, who claimed her freedom of speech allowed her to refuse to design wedding websites for same-sex couples.
The case included a reference to a supposed request made by an individual named Stewart, which turned out to be fabricated. Stewart, who is not gay and has been married to a woman for 15 years, was surprised to see his name used in this context.

Gerrymandering is still at play says we have not made progress since the grandfather clause.

Artificial General Intelligence (#AGI ): The Next Frontier In Technology

Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis talks about the future of AI and competing with ChatGPT

The Game-Changing Global And Regional Navigation Satellite Systems – IBT Graphics

Imagine a world in which the headline was, “Tommy Tuberville makes the country less safe to force his political will”?
Commandant Gen. David Berger stepped down today without a permanent replacement in place due to @TTuberville’s hold on military promotions. This leaves the Marine Corps without a Senate-confirmed leader for the first time in 100 years.

New Law Protects EU Citizens From Trans-Atlantic Data Collection in the US

The fact that Donald Trump sided with Vladimir Putin over U.S. officials is an important problem. The fact that Trump keeps siding with Putin makes the problem much worse.

This interview is devastating. Kennedy comes across as vain, narcissistic, ignorant, boastful, stupid, voraciously unread, with the certainties of an over-privileged ex-heroin junkie who is fatally addicted to himself. The Democratic Presidential candidate talks about his right-wing admirers, his distrust of scientists and the media, and his belief that the C.I.A. was involved in J.F.K.’s death. The Alternative Facts of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. By David Remnick

One month after the Saudi-backed LIV Golf league announced a merger with the PGA Tour, they’ve moved their championship tournament to Trump’s Doral resort. Stunningly blatant corruption. The Saudis are funneling billions to the Trump family.

A Jan. 6 “Moms” Group Funded by Big Lie Donors Is Stoking Voter Suppression
The right-wing extremist group “Moms for America” has been flying under the radar as it works to undermine our rights.

From 1945 to 2022, the total amount of debt (public and private) in the US increased from $363 billion to $93,497 billion ($93.5 trillion).
That was a 7.5% annualized increase. And it was very smooth- there was only ever one time where it decreased slightly: 2009.

Replying to @Free_Speech_1A
That’s why the 1st amendment is unqualified. The rights of the press, speech, religion, assembly, and, most importantly; redress are absolute. This is why the sanctions in election cases are blatantly unconstitutional. We have the absolute right to question any government action.

Less than a few months after having to settle a MASSIVE defamation lawsuit for $787 million with Smartmatic Voting Systems, Fox News may have to dig deep for another defamation lawsuit by Trump-supporting January 6th protester Ray Epps. And they will have Tucker Carlson to thank for it. Again.

Crypto / ETFs

If the Bitcoin experiment is successful, it undermines the parasitic practice of unbacked credit creation & usury; tools used to completely control the populace & siphon the fruits of their labor in perpetuity.

BarnBridge DAO has ceased all operations, and is now under investigation by the SEC, per Axios.

Just like Gen Z uses Instagram now and aren’t excited about Facebook anymore, cryptocurrencies are like Instagram. Stocks, bonds, and other investments are like Facebook to us.” – Autumn Domingo of Generation Bitcoin

Last Bitcoin ETF decision deadline: 3/19/24
Bitcoin halving estimate: 4/16/24

Standard Chartered is expecting a meteoric rise for Bitcoin. $50,000 in 2023 and $120,000 next year. The British bank believes miners will soon begin hoarding their coins and choking off available market supply.

Former SEC Chairman Jay Clayton says Spot #Bitcoin ETFs should be approved.

Digital PerspectivesPermaBull @DigPerspectives
According to former #CFTC chairman @timmassad if there are #Futures on the asset, it’s a #commodity. If there is a Yield earned its a #security. Well then, by his own words,#XRP + #FUTURES =CFTC regulated/Commodity.

SANTANDER #ripple #XRP Fam The Future Of Banking 2030 – “2 Billion people will have Digital Bank account on Digital Platforms Facilitated by Open Banking fueled by data stored and share on the cloud and made faster and safer by Blockchain Technology.” @bancosantander

Ex-SEC Director Says It’s “Reasonable” for Judge Torres to Lock Ripple’s #XRP Escrow Accounts Forever
At that point what happens to price if the escrow is locked forever? Can it be destroyed? What will happen to #Ripple’s business model? This brings upon a lot of questions…

Crypto Twitter won’t let you forget Brian Armstrong’s deleted tweets
Crypto Twitter has been charged with tracking down and preserving ‘spicy’ deleted tweets from Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong after the tech mogul apparently wiped all of his messages from the site. It appears that The Wayback Machine — the trusted internet archive — has also scrubbed all evidence of Armstrong’s tweets.
Among the highlights so far are Armstrong’s complaints about Coinbase’s removal from, his suggestion for a for-profit Bitcoin fork, his claims that “altcoins are a distraction,” and his hyping of a 4% ETH pump after Coinbase listed it.

Tether’s ties to China explained in two minutes

Time for the #FacebookFiles
When he took over, @ElonMusk provided access to Twitter’s archives to journalists to reveal the censorship activities of the previous regime. But Facebook’s censorship activities have been kept largely hidden from users and the public—until now.
Prior to Musk purchasing Twitter, Twitter had an algorithmic far-right bias. It was biased toward far-right persons, entities, and posts. This wasn’t opinion; this was what the data showed. The data was *so clear* that Twitter had to admit what it was. Conservatives love —*anecdotes*—and Democrats tend to focus on history. Public and private reports confirmed that social media (including Twitter) helped elect Trump.

Twitter’s traffic is plummeting as Threads hits 100M downloads.

4 thoughts on “Educational CyberPlayGround NetHappenings News Headlines”

  1. @tribelaw
    Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s anti-abortion block on 184 military appointees, leaving the US Marine Corps headless for the first time ever, is a disgrace — not just for that one idiotic Senator but for the US Senate and its absurd rules that let any one member have such a veto.

  2. Joe Manchin’s daughter jacked up the price of EpiPens to $600.
    Robbing the sick and the poor is so 2015. This is the future.
    BREAKING: I just signed legislation to cap co-pays for EpiPens at $25, insulin at $35, and asthma inhalers at $50.

    New Jersey is now one of the few states leading the way to cap out-of-pocket costs for these lifesaving medications.

  3. U.S. Attorney announces charges against co-director of think tank for acting as an unregistered foreign agent, trafficking in arms, violating U.S. sanctions against Iran, and making false statements to federal agents

  4. Gal Luft, a Dual U.S.-Israeli Citizen, Allegedly Evaded FARA Registration While Working to Advance the Interests of China in the United States and Sought to Broker the Illicit Sales of Chinese-Manufactured Weapons and Iranian Oil to China
    Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Matthew G. Olsen, the Assistant Attorney General for National Security, and Christie M. Curtis, the Acting Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today the unsealing of an eight-count Indictment charging GAL LUFT with offenses related to willfully failing to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”), arms trafficking, Iranian sanctions violations, and making false statements to federal agents. LUFT, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, was arrested on February 17, 2023, in the Republic of Cyprus based on the charges in the Indictment. LUFT subsequently fled after being released on bail while extradition proceedings were pending and remains a fugitive.

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