World Wide Crypto will be regulated by the end of 2023

Global recommendations around how crypto should be regulated around the securities Market by the end of 2023.


Congress in a nutshell: Maxine Waters congratulating Jerome Powell on all the “facilities” the Fed set up, “some of which I still don’t understand…”
I don’t think anyone in Congress realizes that the Fed is an agency that Congress created. They think it’s some magic coven of witches that live in the sky.

BANKERS, JP Morgan, BlackRock  Rule over the SEC.


Blackrock The World’s Largest 9 Trillion Asset Manager owns 5% of richest companies in the US.  Brings product to the investor.



2023 Choke Point 2.0 gets rid of big Crypto exchanges in the US.

2023 Gary Gensler SEC will AWARD
BlackRock and all the other banks the spot etfS they applied for.

The Spot ETF will make all the transaction fee$ from Big Business who want to buy Bitcoin.

  • The Spot ETFs will control the on/off ramps.
  • ETFs will make the transaction fees and keep the keys.
  • BIG businesses in the US will be able to buy Bitcoin now just like Black Rock
  • Big Business Customer funds will be separated from the ETFs and get stored on Coinbase.
  • Coinbase will still be the exchange left standing, they will be paid for the service.
  • Retail can still buy and sell bitcoin on Coinbase and keep their own keys to remain sovereign.

The rich own stocks.
The smart own #Bitcoin.

CEO of $9 trillion asset manager of  BlackRock says “#Bitcoin is digital gold.

CEO of BlackRock Larry Fink says “#Bitcoin is digital gold. Instead of investing in gold… people can invest in #Bitcoin. The CEO of Blackrock just called Bitcoin digital gold on live television.

BlackRock CEO says crypto is digital gold and “#Bitcoin is an international asset.”

BIS Bank of International Settlements July 4th 2023

Fam Martin Moloney from the IOSCO  International Organization of Securities Commissions “we’ve promised to give Global recommendations around how crypto should be regulated around the securities Market by the end of 2023.”

July 5 2023 FSI Financial Services Institute regulatory session at BIS  Annual General Meeting
The session looked at the journey that standard-setting bodies have taken so far to address the risks posed by cryptoassets and DeFi and how they plan to proceed in helping national authorities to achieve their mandates.

July 4th 2023 John Schindler from the FSB Financial Stability Board.
“We have been Technology neutral if it’s the same activity and the same risk then it should be the same regulation you can’t say well we’re different if the underlying Technology is the same and the risk is the same it should be regulated the same.”

2 thoughts on “World Wide Crypto will be regulated by the end of 2023”

  1. “Bitcoin is not digital gold. #Bitcoin is digital energy, and the world runs on energy.” –

    Former partner of investment management firm arrested for $1.6 million investment fraud scheme
    JOSHUA HENNER with wire fraud and aggravated identity theft. As alleged in the Indictment, HENNER, through false statements and representations, convinced victims to loan him at least $1.6 million for the purpose of investing in a start-up, while, in reality, misappropriating those funds for his own purposes. HENNER was arrested this morning and will be presented in Manhattan federal court later today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jennifer E. Willis.

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