CEO of BlackRock says “#Bitcoin is digital gold.

The rich own stocks.
The smart own #Bitcoin.

CEO of BlackRock says “#Bitcoin is digital gold. Instead of investing in gold… people can invest in #Bitcoin
The CEO of Blackrock just called Bitcoin digital gold on live television
$9 trillion asset manager
BlackRock CEO says crypto is digital gold and “
#Bitcoin is an international asset.”



The inspector general’s probe into the Department of Homeland Security regarding missing Secret Service text messages hailing from January 5th and 6th, 2021, has now officially turned into a criminal investigation.

The Trump Truth Social SPAC has settled with the SEC for $18M. The SDNY is still investigating and has already charged 5 people in connection with the merger.  If it’s approved, the SEC will enter a cease-and-desist order with the company, finding DWAC violated “antifraud provisions” connected to initial public offering filings. Those filings were about “certain statements, agreements and omissions relating to the timing and discussions the Company had” with Trump Media & Technology Group.

Revoke Musk’s green card and deport this fucking immigrant back to South Africa.
Elon Musk Suggests ‘Childless’ People Should Lose the Right to Vote Elon Musk, the right-wing billionaire and deadbeat dad who’s hellbent on destroying Twitter, has now outright opposed suffrage for people who don’t have kids. Musk is hoarding nearly $250 billion while children are forced to pay off “school lunch debt,” and supporting politicians who are content to watch the planet burn as long as rich people stay rich. His trans daughter cut him off (to which Musk responded, “You can’t win them all.”).

Cancel Student Debt

The Supreme Court’s lawless, completely partisan student loans decision, explained
The Court’s decision in Biden v. Nebraska is nothing more than an exercise of raw power. It bears no resemblance to actual law.
But the most important thing to understand about the major questions doctrine is that it is completely made up. It appears nowhere in the Constitution, and nowhere in any statute, and was invented largely by Republican appointees to the Supreme Court. It is true that the Supreme Court has invoked this made-up doctrine several times in the recent past — mostly in opinions joined entirely by Republican-appointed justices who wished to strike down policies pushed by Democratic presidents — but, in relying on this fabricated legal doctrine one more time, Roberts effectively cites past power grabs by the justices to justify a new power grab.

“In the HEROES Act,” Kagan notes, “the dominant piece of context is that ‘modify’ does not stand alone. It is one part of a couplet: ‘waive or modify.’” The word “waive” moreover means “eliminate,” so Congress explicitly gave the secretary the power to simply wipe away student loan obligations altogether.

Let’s not beat around the bush. The Supreme Court’s decision in Biden v. Nebraska, the one canceling President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness program, is complete and utter nonsense. It rewrites a federal law which explicitly authorizes the loan forgiveness program, and it relies on a fake legal doctrine known as “major questions” which has no basis in any law or any provision of the Constitution.

If you were counting on loan forgiveness — and Biden’s loan forgiveness program would have forgiven $10,000 worth of loans for most student borrowers, and $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients — you will not receive it because of a decision the Court handed down on Friday, in a 6-3 vote entirely along party lines.

For years I’ve been trying to close the billionaires bonanza loophole, an infamous tax hole that lets zillionaires leave gigantic inheritances without paying taxes. I’m glad the IRS is heeding my calls to crack down.

More Than Half of America’s 100 Richest People Exploit Special Trusts to Avoid Estate Taxes
Secret IRS records show billionaires use trusts that let them pass fortunes to their heirs without paying estate tax. Will Congress end a tax shelter that has cost the Treasury untold billions?

@Mike_Pence said what’s on every Republican politician’s mind: “I don’t really buy into the rich need to pay their fair share.”
A Republican in the White House means even more tax cuts for the rich.
Democrats put #PeopleOverPolitics and passed the bipartisan infrastructure law to grow the economy and create good paying jobs.
What are Republicans focused on? Helping the rich avoid paying their fair share.

Al Franken @alfranken
A CO woman asked me to write homophobic & anti-Semitic jokes to express her hostility to gay-marriage & Jews in general to promote her non-existent web-design business. Do I have to?

There is a long history of right-wing front groups feeding cases to the FedSoc justices. In this case, it was an imaginary injury. In Janus and Friedrichs, it was right-wing front groups finding plaintiffs of convenience (and giving one a job).

Internet Ethics @IEthics
#Google’s #privacy policy “now says that the information may be used for ‘#AI Models’ rather than ‘language models,’ granting Google more freedom to train and build systems beside LLMs on your public #data”:

@MikeBenzCyber Jul 1
Wow. Musk has no idea the DARPA rattlesnake he just stepped on by this doing this…
My take on @elonmusk’s new rate limit policy, from the lens of the censorship industry:


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