Get Out The Vote


In the third quarter, @exxonmobil collected $19.66 BILLION in profit.
That’s the most in their 152 year history.
That’s $19.66 billion in 90 DAYS
That’s $151,697 in profits EVERY MINUTE

Three multibillionaires now own more wealth than the bottom half of America – 160 million Americans.
Don’t tell me we can’t afford a wealth tax on the super-rich.

Pres. Biden in Pennsylvania: “Marjorie Taylor Greene, God bless her soul, she and her husband had $183,000 in PPP loans forgiven. Congressman Vern Buchanan of Florida, he got over $2 million forgiven. Who the hell do they think they are complaining about helping out students?”


Gen Z showed up to fight for their future.

NBC  2.5 million Georgians have cast their ballots which is a RECORD number. Even better news: 225,476 of those voters were 18-29-year-olds, more than 30,000 votes higher than this point in 2018.

CNN: “The youngest voters — those aged 18-21 years — are showing up in higher numbers in all six key states compared to this point during the 2018 general election.”

It’s happening, folks.
Ignore all polls, projections and predictions! Young, old and in-between-vote those fascist, racist maga repubs into oblivion where they existed-before treasonous trump endorsed them to lie, cheat and destroy our republic/democracy!

Everyone needs to see this video from legendary activist Heather Booth pushing folks to vote for Democrats! Follow Heather here: @hboothgo
Founder of Jane Collective talks about abortion

Michael Moore’s Key To Beat MAGA Republicans
18 to 35-year-olds, people of color, & women comprise 70% of eligible voters in the US—the traditional base of the Democratic Party.
20 million more ppl register as Democrat over Republican. If Dems show up, we win.
So vote, God dammit.

How can you possibly vote for a Republican if you’re a Jew? Or a woman? Or a millennial? Or a person of color? Or LGBTQ? Or a senior? Or on a fixed income? Or disabled? Or a teacher? Or a student? Or sane?

Former Homeland Security official Chris Krebs on @FaceTheNation warns of candidates undermining democracy
About Keri Lake’s claim “There’s no way President Biden got 81 million votes”
Krebs: “Actually he got more than 81 million votes”
Krebs: “This is not acceptable behavior”

Did you know Kevin McCarthy’s district is the murder capital of California? Did you know red states have the highest crime rates in the nation? #MAGALiesCostLives spread the word.

Ron DeSantis illegally shipped migrant women and kids across the country, threatened an 81yr old Dr. Fauci with violence after he dedicated 50 years of service to the country, and ordered his “election police” to arrest former felons for voting after he told them they could vote.

The Democratic turnout numbers right now are completely destroying the doomsday narratives. Let’s keep spreading the word. Retweet and reply with #BelieveAndVoteDem and let’s set voter turnout records!

Watch Ron Johnson scurry away from Lauren Windsor after being pressed on if he loses Tuesday, if he would concede. Let’s make this viral.

With practically no way for the elections themselves to be hacked, states are working to protect what actually *is* a potential target: the election night reporting websites that announce votes as they come in.

Faithful America condemned Marjorie Taylor Greene‘s embrace of Christian nationalism.
12,000 Christians signed a petition condemning Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene. “Christian nationalism is unchristian and unpatriotic,” the petition says, slamming it as a political ideology.

Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump A new Homeland Security report details orders to connect protesters arrested in Portland to one another in service of the Trump’s imaginary antifa plot.
The Department of Homeland Security launched a failed operation that ensnared hundreds, if not thousands, of U.S. protesters in what new documents show was as a sweeping, power-hungry effort before the 2020 election to bolster President Donald Trump’s spurious claims about a “terrorist organization” he accused his Democratic rivals of supporting.
An internal investigative report, made public this month by Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat of Oregon, details the findings of DHS lawyers concerning a previously undisclosed effort by Trump’s acting secretary of homeland security, Chad Wolf, to amass secret dossiers on Americans in Portland attending anti-racism protests in summer 2020 sparked by the police murder of Minneapolis father George Floyd.


Andrew Longhurst #BringBackMasks@a_longhurst
If officials genuinely care about the well-being of kids & families they will immediately implement indoor masking to stop this nightmare.
Toddlers & babies dying preventable deaths will happen at this rate
If you are okay with collapsing pediatric care, what do you stand for?

New: Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca left a set of internal passwords on GitHub for more than a year, exposing access to a cloud system storing patient data.

Pennsylvania has fully vaccinated 8,963,613 people, covering 74.1% of the eligible population, 5 and older… and 70.0% of the state’s entire population. 3,962,515 people have received a booster shot, covering 44.2% of fully vaccinated people.


Elon is trying hire back people he now realizes it was a mistake to fire and you keep thinking saying he is a genius playing 10 dimensional chess when all I see is a clown who thought he was cute turning twitter into a shitshow.

Stephen King 👑@di_reddito Nov 5
Hi @elonmusk, I’m Stephen King even without a blue check. Lol

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