Elon owns Twitter so Join Counter Social

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Kathleen Booth, computer pioneer who made a major breakthrough in programming – obituary
Kathleen Booth, aged 100, has died. She co-designed of one of the world’s first operational computers and wrote two of the earliest books on computer design and programming; she was also credited with the invention of the first “assembly language”.

Who is still undecided on democracy vs. fascism?

Join Counter Social

“That sensation you are experiencing is called The Muskening….”
JΞSŦΞR ✪ ΔCŦUΔL³³°¹ @th3j35t3r

#FLASHLOL – Earlier Thursday in Twitter’s headquarters, Twitter product leaders showed Tesla engineers the company’s code, so they could assess and explain to Musk what the company needs. Hooo boooii.
Tesla Engineers Visit Twitter Office to Review Code for Musk

JΞSŦΞR ✪ ΔCŦUΔL³³°¹ @th3j35t3r Cyber Minuteman ● Listed in TIME Mag Most Influential Ppl Online ● My laptop is exhibited in the Spy Museum DC ● Cameo role #MrRobot Creator: counter.social
Elon Musk will be forced to pay the three fired Twitter executives nearly $200 million for their early exits pursuant to their contracts.

1 in 4 Americans Say Bible Should Take Precedence Over People’s Will in US Law

Even years later, Twitter doesn’t delete your direct messages

Today, Musk reactivated Kanye’s Twitter account.
On behalf of Jews everywhere: Fuck you, Elon.


Trumpers & Elon Muskers are flooding my inbox with racist threats because I’m the Founder of @TribelSocial
Apparently, it’s driving them nuts that I’m a Mexican immigrant who created a fast-growing, pro-democracy Twitter alternative.

@CooperationJXN @JoshuaPHilll
The amount of brainwashing needed to think the richest guy on earth owning Twitter, the second richest guy owning the Washington post, and the fifth richest guy owning Facebook and Instagram could possibly be a good thing is immense.
Or even to think it’s somehow not a bad thing. To think democracy exists, or can exist under conditions of such vast inequality and consolidated control of society by a few billionaires. It’s just not possible.
I’ve talked probably quite a few times now about how capitalism and democracy are inherently incompatible over the long run, but I think this example shows it as clearly in multiple ways as any theory.
Isn’t it great though. I mean they care enough to leave their kids exactly 20m (the tax free threshold) and then giving the rest to a LLC their kids control, sorry I mean a charity 🤣
Even worse, donor advised funds that act as charitable donations tax wise, but actually don’t provide any money to charities. Charitable “balances” can be passed along for *generations*.

BEZOS Amazon quietly gave $400,000 to conservative nonprofit that opposed new antitrust legislation

Danny Gold
“Ok so we got Musk ruining twitter, Facebook collapsing because Meta invested the GDP of a European country into 2nd life part 2, and that ban on Tik Tok hopefully coming up. 2023 is the year we save society”

“Elon Musk is again claiming that he’s all about free speech. So let’s look at the record. Here’s thread with just a few of the countless examples showing he couldn’t care about it less

i am the walrus @cgags
Florida takes $51,000,000,000 more dollars from the federal government than it produces in taxes. That’s called a welfare state.
New York gives $22 billion more than it receives back. That’s called solvency.
Republican economic policy is flawed

Executives who oversee what is said in a public company’s financial statements could have bonus pay docked or reclaimed under a rule finalized in a 3-2 vote by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The rule, a long-delayed requirement of the Dodd-Frank Act, forces companies to adopt procedures to claw back pay if financial statements contain significant errors.

The metaverse, which by one estimate will multiply data usage 20-fold by 2032, is creating a unique set of privacy challenges, writes Sunil Senan, an executive at Infosys. “Privacy must be ensured by leveraging the power of technology while securing it through a strong regulatory framework incorporating best practices,” Senan notes.

And that’s an understatement.
Climate crisis: UN finds ‘no credible pathway to 1.5C in place’
Failure to cut carbon emissions means ‘rapid transformation of societies’ is only option to limit impacts, report says

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