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Folks. Apply for student debt cancellation now here:

Want to know why you have American Patriarch Oligarchs bossing people around?
745 billionaires now hold more wealth than HALF of American households. Wealth inequality is eating this country alive.

How to remake society:
Get Central Banks to hold interest rates artificially low until everyone feels like an idiot for not taking out debt “it’s free money!”
Then raise interest rates and withdraw liquidity to trap every debt holder and force them to agree to your terms.

@jennycohn1 it was about attacking & undermining public schools w/ the goal of replacing them w/ private (4 profit) mostly Christian schools or homeschooling. See Christian Right attorney Michael Farris of ADF who has ties to Alexey Komov (Malofeev’s lackey) & Jenna Ellis. 1/

How Google’s former CEO Eric Schmidt helped write A.I. laws in Washington without publicly disclosing investments in A.I. startups
In short, the commission, which Schmidt soon took charge of as chairman, was tasked with coming up with recommendations for almost every aspect of a vital and emerging industry. The panel did far more under his leadership. It wrote proposed legislation that later became law and steered billions of dollars of taxpayer funds to industry he helped build — and that he was actively investing in while running the group.

If you’re going to be leading a commission that is steering the direction of government AI and making recommendations for how we should promote this sector and scientific exploration in this area, you really shouldn’t also be dipping your hand in the pot and helping yourself to AI investments.

Walter Shaub
Senior Ethics Fellow, Project on Government Oversight

Trump’s Sick Crack About Prison Rape Gets Big Cheers From His Supporters


Record-breaking chip can transmit entire internet’s traffic per second


Carl Sagan warning about Donald Trump in 1994
A staggeringly prescient warning from Carl Sagan… He spoke these words in 1994, yet he might as well be talking to us today. Though he has been dead for over two decades, his profound and beautiful insights continue to educate and elevate our thinking and our behavior. He was a shining star, a guiding light… And this message is but one beam from it.


Supreme court is a clown court owned by evangelical fascists
Alito Assured Ted Kennedy in 2005 of Respect for Roe v. Wade, Diary Says
In the senator’s recollection, the Supreme Court justice who wrote the opinion overturning the abortion ruling tried to show Mr. Kennedy that he was not a threat to Roe.

EXPAND THE COURT When Democrats voted to keep birth control legal in America 96% of republicans in Congress voted no.

“Congress should take every action
that it can to make sure that pregnancy and parenting don’t mean poverty for women and their families. But the very least that Congress can and must do is pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.” #ProtectPregnantWorkers

The GOP’s Cult of Election Deniers Is a Growing Threat to the Nation
This year, more than half of GOP candidates are Big Lie cultists. Repeat: more than half. It’s getting harder to see how democracy can survive this.

Kayne West has officially fallen from the billionaire list after Adidas dropped him for his antisemitic remarks, according to Forbes. That’s what happens when you think you’re The Messiah and Don’t Take Your Meds.

1987 Black Woman New Owner Of Klan Headquarters A black woman whose teen-age son was killed by two Klansmen became the owner Wednesday of the headquarters of the United Klans of America.

‘Revenge porn’ site shut down by ‘anti-bullying’ site

8th Circuit issues stay of student-debt forgiveness plan
The US Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit has issued a stay of the Biden administration’s student-loan forgiveness program in response to a lawsuit from Republican attorneys general in six states, temporarily blocking the federal government from forgiving debt. The government can still review applications, and eligible borrowers can still apply to the program, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.

Christopher Mathias @letsgomathias
Educated at a private boarding school in New England, a graduate of Trinity, the heir to a frozen food fortune, a millionaire who works for a billionaire, who calls congressmen when people are mean to his grown son, Buckley, lashes out at coastal elites. Tonight at 8.
Tucker Carlson Is Furious Someone Called His Son A Nepotism Baby
The Fox News host allegedly lashed out at Rep. Tom Emmer after someone made an anonymous dig at his son’s employment in Rep. Jim Banks’ office

‘I’m deadly serious’: why film-maker Michael Moore is confident of a Democratic midterm win
The Democratic party consultants are feeding lines that are so lame and weak. They don’t go for the jugular like a Republican would. It doesn’t inspire people at home.”

Biden Could Kill Musk’s Twitter Deal If US Does Security Review

Facebook and TikTok are approving ads with ‘blatant’ misinformation about voting in midterms, researchers say

Officer from Jan. 6 leaks secretly recorded chat with Kevin McCarthy
A new report from CNN says House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California was secretly recorded telling two police officers that former President Donald Trump was, at least for several hours, unaware that his supporters were carrying out an attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, which contradicts findings from a special investigation into the attack which suggest Trump did know.

More re Christo-fascist Michael Farris’s close connection to Jenna Ellis. He was her constitutional law professor. ‘Completely Dedicated to God’ and Country: Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis and Her Quest for the Truth


Russia is a terrorist state. Pass it on.
Republicans are soft on Nazis, soft on Russians, soft on rapists, and soft on pedophiles. They’re brutal on women, immigrants, children, elderly, POC, and veterans.

Burgess Yachts hiding their Russian Oligarch client list
Burgess Yachts HQ they were busy hiding their hugely profitable business interests with Russian Oligarchs. Burgess Yachts first port of call, remove all yachts belonging to Russian clients from their website, which they did. We can indisputably confirm this by using the Wayback machine.
Burgess Chartering Sanctioned Russian Oligarchs yacht for €549,000,000 ($610,000,000) a week while owner is sanctioned

War is indeed a racket
Wagner Group lures foreign mercenaries with bumped-up salaries as Russia suffers losses
Russian paramilitary outfit liaising with organised crime groups in Latin America and Europe to recruit more fighters


SO . . . Garland said they arrested Chinese wanted to steal IP and paid with bitcoin . . . He never mentioned
TikTok’s Alleged Plan to Track Americans Adds to Security Fears

Every American executive and engineer working in China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry resigned yesterday, paralyzing Chinese manufacturing overnight. One round of sanctions from Biden did more damage than all four years of performative sanctioning under Trump.”

Chinese Intelligence Sought to Infiltrate EDNY Prosecution Team in Huawei Case, DOJ Says


The true cost of military spending.

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