The MAGA Meltdown

Educational CyberPlayGround NetHappenings ∞/21M
daily read
Hey, Hey, NRA, how many kids did you kill today?

In another major Court loss for Trump, the D.C. Court of Appeals rules that Congress’s House Ways & Means Committee can gain access to Trump’s tax returns that he’s been hiding from the public since the day he ran for office.


And he’s done fucked around and is FINDING OUT!!!!! I’m living for it! No one is #AboveTheLAW

Trump said he took 15 boxes from the WH. He was asked to return it & ignored the requests. Now, we know why he hosted the Saudi’s at Mar-a-Lago for their ‘golf tournament’, which is a good indication that Trump sold it to them.
You can’t go batshit criming all over the place w/0 repercussions & then just run for office otherwise all criminals would do the exact same thing. Donald Trump is currently searching for a criminal defense attorney in case he is indicted by the DOJ

Trump knows what was in that safe. He knows what they have.

PRO TIP: They better dig up the hole and look inside Ivanka’s casket, she was cremated, and the casket looked very heavy!

The current Director of the FBI was chosen by Trump.

I don’t remember many people crying and wailing about “civil war” when a Republican FBI Director announced a criminal investigation of the Democratic nominee 11 days before the 2016 election.


Judge Bruce Reinhart is a Donald Trump-appointed judge who assumed the judgeship during Trump’s presidency in 2018. He was the one who approved the raid on the former president’s property.

Magistrate judge Bruce E. Reinhart for the Southern District of Florida
Bruce Reinhart went from prosecuting Epstein to representing Epstein’s accomplices who then also received immunity for trafficking underage girls.
Reinhart’s resume includes previously quitting his job with the U.S. Attorney’s office — which was prosecuting crimes committed by Jeffrey Epstein — in order to start a private practice — through which he represented people who worked for Jeffrey Epstein against the government.
“The government admits that it has information about a personal or business relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and another Florida prosecutor involved in the Epstein case, Matthew Menchel.’’

PRO TIP: You cannot support law & order yet denounce the FBI for executing a lawful search warrant.

See Carroll v. United States, 267 U.S. 132, 149 (1925); (4)
Merrick Garland meant it when he said DOJ will follow the facts and hold, all accountable, including Trump (5) executive privilege belongs to Biden now, and SCOTUS told Nixon that criminal system overrides it anyway; (6) the country needs to prepare for indictments and remember what we were founded on: Truth. Equality. No More Kings.
Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 794(a) if Donald Trump sold classified documents to Russia or Saudi Arabia, it could be punishable by life imprisonment or death.

Best thing about 18 USC 2071 is it bars you from holding any office ever again.

Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation

Mitch McConnell REALLY wishes Merrick Garland was sitting on the Supreme Court right about now!

If Trump and his henchmen can launch a campaign of harassment, intimidation, and retaliation against a serving Army Officer for testifying before Congress, it can happen to anyone.

FBI memo to agents: ‘Big raid at Mar-a-Lago. Be there, will be wild!’
The only way the FBI went in is with 100% certainty they would come out with something significant. No way the FBI raids the home of a former POTUS’, no matter how big the jackass, and come out empty handed. This is an insanely historic moment. #TrumpRaid #TrumpIsACriminal

In just the past twenty four hours..Mar-a-Lago was searched by the FBI, Trump’s real estate firm was forced to hand over 36,000 documents to Tish James and the DC Court of Appeals ruled that Trump’s tax returns must be released.

To all the Republicans crying about Mar-A-Lago, allow me to console you by reminding you that this is all God’s will.

If Trump has nothing to hide and is an innocent victim, then he should release his copy of the search warrant, which was left at Mar-a-Lago by the FBI.

It’s not a raid, it’s just a normal FBI-executed tourist visit.

Guess who’s got Alex Jones favorite password that he’s been re-using ALL OVER the internet since 2008. If anyone from the #January6thCommitteeHearings has a use for it & can use it LEGALLY & verify who they are I’m happy to provide full details including where & when it has been used from 2008 until pretty recently. I’ll be on or ^^^ If this isn’t possible and you can’t use it LEGALLY, hit me up anyway, let’s talk immunity for this particular OIA gig and I’ll do it myself, and then hand you the all the booty. You can think of me as like that safe-cracker the FBI just dropped into Mar-A-Lago. Same thing. ^^^ Why would I offer my services this way? I’m sickened by the number of people in Trumps orbit who have ignored subpoena’s, congressional requests to testify, the handing over of docs or comms, even under threat of being held in contempt. And I’m here to provide a solution.” ~anon

Americans WANT:
—to raise the minimum wage
—strengthen social safety nets & unions
—make the wealthy & corporations pay their fair share
—and much more
Why won’t Congress get it done?
Because their corporate donors tell them not to.

What classified info did Jared Kushner take from Trump to give to the Saudis to secure a $2B investment…

“My father never got so much as a speeding ticket in his life,” says Eric Trump, whose father paid $25 million to people he defrauded through Trump University.

50 Years Ago Shows the Horror of #Abortion Being Illegal. Bad as it was during the era of ‘The Janes, we’re looking at something even more sinister.
Cameo Dr. Alan Guttenmaker Pres. of Planned Parenthood takes out Will Buckley.

3 thoughts on “The MAGA Meltdown”

  1. Andrew Yang just said the FBI searching Trump’s home “seems political.” Yang also said this will “ensure” Trump gets re-elected in 2024. Andrew is actively spreading GOP talking points. He’s doing Fox News’ bidding for them. I’ll say it again: Andrew Yang sides with the Fascists.

  2. @caslernoel
    Not sure who dropped a dime to FBI on what classified docs Trump had in his safe at Mar a Lago but Mark my words it went as smoothly as a walk thru a Meadow. @GOP

  3. Lock him up.
    Lock him up.
    Lock him up.
    Stop saying Trump mishandled documents, he was told not to take them, he did, they subpoenaed them, he kept what he wanted. He stole them and a search warrant was issued. Period.

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