Bruce Wilson 1-68 posts about NAR


William S. Lind is the far-right strategist who crafted the new unifying narrative for the Christian right, white supremacist, neo-Nazis, Tea Partiers, militia peopleLind’s “cultural Marxism” conspiracy theory is gradually pulling them closer together.
William S. Lind is a paleoconservative author and proponent of Fourth-Generation Warfare Theory. He has served as a legislative aide for various senators.

“The Family”
[AKA the National Prayer Breakfast Christian “mafia”] in Uganda, but nobody recognized the leadership of the New Apostolic Reformation.
Defend the separation of church and state aggressively

There were NAR pastors & leaders in the front lines of the assault that breeched the Capitol, some of whom even went in. And one of the core coup attempt participants arrested for his role is rather closely tied to the NAR: Larry Brock.

Mastriano has been billed as “Mennonite” but is nakedly Christian Nationalist and dominionist, and has a number of overlooked ties to significant leaders in the NAR. A third piece I’ve left out, and hardly insignificant, is the NAR’s role in pushing “Trump won 2020”

Those Zoom calls were made under auspices of the “World Prayer Network”, which is a weekly Zoom meeting of NAR leaders co-founded by Jim Garlow, that aims “to seek out strategies for the transformation of nations, including our own”.

“I have intentionally avoided cluttering up my narrative, here, with links, but this is a key reference point. In the interview w/Gross, Wagner *admits* that Sarah Palin is in his movement & gave his opinion that the 2005 video footage from Palin’s…”

A Leading Figure In The New Apostolic Reformation NPR

A Private Christian College May Take Over Public Education in Tennessee

Hillsdale College, with Republican Governor Bill Lee’s support, is planning to open dozens of charter schools to spread rightwing propaganda.

In a recent closed-door meeting, secretly captured on video by a Nashville news station, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee listened attentively and sipped water as a close education advisor of his administration accused teachers of “messing with people’s children,” saying they are “trained in the dumbest parts of the dumbest colleges in the country.” The advisor also compared public school systems to “enslavement” and “the plague.” As the audience laughed at these remarks, Lee said nothing to contest them.

When later asked about his advisor’s remarks, Lee defended them while claiming to support Tennessee teachers. “I’m not going to rebut someone who was speaking about left-wing problems in public education in this country that have actually hurt the genuine work of our teachers,” Lee added.

Lee has essentially guaranteed that these charters will receive a greenlight to operate in the state.

Who is this advisor and why is he advising Tennessee’s governor on education policy?

Lee’s point person on education policy is Larry Arnn, the president of Hillsdale College, a private, Christian evangelical school located in Michigan that is, according to a recent explosé in Salon, “driving the right’s nationwide war on public schools.”

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