CyberPlayGround Nethappenings Covid-19 and sperm

New Scientists – of course Rethuglicans don’t believe in Science or getting higher education – they believe ignorant Republicans who think their Fascist Racist White Seditionist Supreme Court and Ignorant Politicians tell the “truth” so Darwin will now take over.

All those Covid AssHats who “believe” raping  their women is just fine won’t get anyone pregnant after all! Justice Served!

What we know so far about how covid-19 affects sperm

Evidence suggests covid-19 infections can lower sperm counts for months, and that the virus can occasionally be found in semen and may even directly bind to sperm cells

3 thoughts on “CyberPlayGround Nethappenings Covid-19 and sperm”

  1. For everyone who doesn’t grasp what is happening in America today or the agenda of the Republican party. GOP Senators today blocked a bill to allow women free Rights of Interstate Travel. Do you truly grasp what they plan for you?

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