1871 KKK law/act will bankrupt Proud Boys and Oath Keepers

Official Account—DC Attorney General Karl Racine

I’m suing the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, the first civil lawsuit by a government entity against the Jan. 6 insurrectionists. They caused extensive damage to the District, our democracy and particularly the brave men and women of our Metropolitan Police Department.

“Donald Trump Jr., Rudy Giuliani, even the President of the U.S. were calling on their supporters and #hate groups to go to the Capitol… we’re going to investigate not only those mobsters, but also those who incited the violence.”

This will force all of them to defend the case, with or without paid counsel. When they lose, either by default or otherwise, the judgment will not be dischargeable in any personal bankruptcy filing. Their income/assets would be subject to attachment/garnishment for yrs to come.

The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

“Let the different classes of our populations feel that the interest and welfare of one is the interest and welfare of all.” After both chambers of Congress agreed to the conference report on April 20, President Ulysses S. Grant signed the bill into law later that day. Nearly six months later, in October 1871, Grant used these powers in several South Carolina counties, demonstrating the willingness of the Republican-led federal government to take decisive action to protect the civil and political rights of the freed people during Reconstruction.

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