Under $15.00 an hour costs taxpayers $107 Billion dollars

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Vote with YOUR dollars by patronizing companies that pay a living wage.

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming


“There’s class warfare, all right. But it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war …and we’re winning.” – Warren Buffett, 2011 (Net worth: $85.6 billion USD)




A Golden Calf at CPAC? Seriously, these are the holier than thou dicks who claim to have God on their side and then spit on said God to worship an asshole named Dummy who wouldn’t get into heaven even if he was the last person on Earth. Religion has become a joke for these fools. @sloyoroll01973

Believing in TRUMP
As their Chosen One
Following him into the sewer
Will skewer
The Evangelicals
They were warned about
A False Prophecy
An Anti-Christ

Yet, they chose
To not use their own
Eyes, ears, and minds
And swallow Trumpism
Like it’s their Baptism

Fooled & Conned

  2. “if they work hard enough they too will get rich someday”
  3. “You shall not make gods of silver to be with me, nor shall you make for yourselves gods of gold.” Exodus 20:23


  • Generational Wealth
  • Redlining
  • Separate but equal
  • Jim Crow
  • KKK hate groups
  • White Supremacists
  • White Power
  • K12 Literacy Pipeline to Prison Program for Privateers

When @BernieSanders says it (over & over, for tears & years) people call him names.

*since Tricky Dick Nixon, in 1972 not only prolonged the Conflict in Viet Nam based on a fake “Secret Plan”, but also TaxPayer-subsidized Corn, dropping price of feedlot beef… & by 1980s leading us to High Fructose Corn Syrup

$15.00 and hour is still Subsidized Slavery

It’s 1970 and the average rent is $108 a month including utilities! The minimum wage is $1.60, meaning you need to work 68 hours to pay rent, not the lowest rent, the average rent!

It’s 2021, average rent is now $1463 and it now takes 202 hours to pay the rent.

How much tax evasion goes on that steals the People’s money that could be used to pay for a $20 minimum wage, universal healthcare, etc. The welfare is going to the super rich and corporations who can afford to take care of themselves. Stop Reganomics, it has ruined our country for 40 years and has only made the rich richer.

McDonald’s paid its CEO almost 2,000 times as much as the average worker in 2019

Maybe McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski could lead the way – possibly reduce his $18 million a year salary.

How about paying Mcdonalds CEO and executives less to accommodate the difference? Pay people and subsidies should diminish. Plus, economy does better when people have money to spend. it’s a good thing for our economy. Let’s get that message out there!

Rutger Bregman is right: enforcing taxation is key.

Half of employees who make under $15 an hour get food stamps, Medicaid and welfare. This costs taxpayers $107 billion a year. So instead of paying a few cents more for a hamburger, you’re paying billions more to subsidize corporations paying literal poverty wages. source

The rights objection to minimum wage has nothing to do with economic science, it is pure ideology. The economic studies all show a reasonable min wage helps the economy significantly.

This shows the cruelty of the White Power Racist #GQP.
They don’t want to mandate a living wage and at the same time they constantly attack programs meant to fill in the gaps for the working poor.

Min wage
Costco: $16
Walmart: $11

Average pay
Costco: $24
Walmart: $15

Employees on food stamps (subsidized by you)
Costco: Virtually none
Walmart: More than any other company

Founder net worth
Costco: not a billionaire
Walmart: over $220 billion; up $30 billion in pandemic


Walmart is subsidized by taxpayer dollars and the three Waltons are among the top wealthy Americans. If the government subsidized my business, I could be a billionaire too. Especially if I could put my competitors out of business.  Walmart can’t afford to pay a living wage, but can afford to pay dividends. If a business does not generate enough for a living wage, then it’s non viable and shouldn’t be in business.

Taxpayers subsidize corporations’ payroll, while corporations pay as little tax as possible, often 0 dollars. That’s socialism. When help is for corporations, it’s “incentives,” when it’s for the little guy, the average person, it’s “socialism.” We’re paying for our own poverty.

Walmart employees collected food stamps & (naturally) used them @ Walmart, who received $15B annually from taxpayers for them. They think that’s a win-win.

Taxpayers are forced to Subsidize Slavery. If a business can’t afford to pay living wages to people, it’s a failed business!

#GQP GREED for their Mega Donors with tax breaks.

@GOP WILL ALWAYS limit or cut these programs (Medicaid, SNAP ect) for poor working folks. While white supremacists claim THEIR TAX $ supports the ‘lazy’ people working over 40 hours per week —  paycheck to paycheck.
The American economic system wasn’t based around protecting the people and doing things that were in their best interests and it instead protected the wealthy elite and encouraged lobbying by corporations to incentivize tax breaks.

Ted Cruz and all Texas White Power Insurrectionists

“White House Humiliates Ted Cruz & Won’t Allow Him to Ride air Force One to Texas.” @CalltoActivism

56% of the child care staff in TX qualify for at least one form of public support like SNAP & 40% of the #ATX child care workforce experience food insecurity. How can they adequately nurture our youngest kids if they have to rely on public services to meet their own basic needs?
An 11 year-old boy froze to death last week in Texas while trying to keep his 3 year-old brother warm.

#GQP Attorney General Dan Patrick feels no sympathy for Texans who are now looking at electrical bills in the thousands. According to him, those citizens shouldn’t have been taking a gamble on low prices.The economy would get a great boost if the working class could be paid living wages.

US intel report finds Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman (MBS) responsible for approving Khashoggi assassination. Trump knew the Crown Prince was behind Khashoggi’s murder, but helped cover for him instead.

The Donner Party Every single message coming out of CPAC is that the terrorist attack against our Capitol was no big deal and they will happily do it again. Ted Cruz was given a free pass, and he’s using it.

Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: Purchasing Power of the Consumer Dollar in U.S. City Average

There’s a story not about low wages but too high prices in the U.S. rising fast despite the official inflation rate less 2% I’ve found data for 2018 year but the trend is obvious.

2021: Corn: Up ~32% since Dec.
Wheat: Up ~15% since Dec.
Pork: Up 16% in 4 days.

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