We were attacked by domestic terrorists.

THINK By James Brown

Y’all better not tell me a motherfucking thing about what a black man did to deserve being shot by police after today seriously fuck y’all

No one gets credit for finding their conscience with 325 hours left in Trump’s presidency.

We were attacked by domestic terrorists.

This was not a “riot.” Things did not simply get out of hand. This was a planned assault on the U.S. government. Domestic intelligence agencies were in on it. They want a Civil War. It was the last war of the Confederacy and Trump is their General.

The #WhiteDomesticTerrorists came prepared to take hostages. They had multiple zip tie handcuffs.

Dear @IvankaTrump you called these men ‘American patriots’ yesterday. They would see you, your husband, & your children in the gas chambers. Yet you court their support:

Yesterday some Proud Boys wore shirts with 6MWE insignia. It means 6 million (Jews) wasn’t enough. A reminder that if democracy becomes vulnerable, genocidal forces in the wings are ready to rise. Yes, even in America. #CapitolRiots. And note what the eagle is clutching: the literal fasces, the root word for “Fascist”.  Activated terror cells of white supremacist domestic terrorists. The same people at Trump’s bidding from Charlottesville all the way to today.

More than half the GOP members of the House last night gave a standing ovation to goose-stepper Matt Gaetz who blamed “antifa” for the assault on the Capitol.
In case anyone thinks there isn’t a strong base for the destruction of what we consider the world’s strongest democracy.
Conservative media talk radio inflaming even more fear today. Accountability: Iheartradio syndicates Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. They’re owned by Bain Capital and TH Lee partners. They’re supposed to be regulated by the FCC. Please hold them accountable.
TH Lee Partners:
Media Relations:



No Rethuglicans are calling for the 25th.

The three repulsive architects of Wednesday’s  mobs desecrating the Republic’s noblest building . . . must be named and forevermore shunned. They are Donald Trump, and Sens. Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz.

Donald Trump Is Banned on Facebook and Instagram ‘at Least’ Until His Term is Over.

Google Stop the Steal Videos
Due to the disturbing events that transpired yesterday, and given that the election results have now been certified, starting today *any* channels posting new videos with false claims in violation of our policies will now receive a strike.

@HawleyMO is talking about Pennsylvania because he wants to come here & run for President some day. The lies he told inspired today’s violence. He is still telling those lies. Pennsylvania will never forget.
The FBI is seeking to identify individuals instigating violence in Washington, D.C. We are accepting tips and digital media depicting rioting or violence in and around the U.S. Capitol on January 6. If you have information, visit http://fbi.gov/USCapitol
Shopify closed the Trump campaign’s e-commerce site and the Trump organization’s store.
Articles of Impeachment Against Donald Trump Have Been Drawn Up and Are Now Circulating in Congress

@AOC Articles of impeachment have already been drafted and are ready for introduction. They were prepared and finalized by @IlhanMN while she was extracted in a secure location, and members are signing on.

I am circulating Articles of Impeachment that @RepTedLieu @RepRaskin and I have prepared to remove the President from office following yesterday’s attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The Grand Hyatt in DC is at 202-582-1234
They have already blocked out option 5 to speak with their GM Heidi Lord (msg claims she is on “furlough”), but messages can be left
Don’t harass staff, but maybe ask why they are providing safe harbor to terrorists?

Capitol Police firings imminent after ‘attempted coup

The right’s new conspiracy theory: blame left for Capitol riot
The cognitive dissonance is bewildering: The rioters are simultaneously patriots who did the right thing and “masquerading” leftists to be condemned? Jan. 7, 2021, 8:39 AM EST By Steve Benen

Death and Mayhem Inside the Capitol Building and the Stock Market Gains 437.8 Points. Why?

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