Journalist Explains How Panama Papers Opened Up The World's Illicit Money Networks

So you have the Mercers – show up in the Paradise Papers and other big donors such as Steve Wynn, the head of the Golden Nugget.
And then you have Sheldon Adelson who is a big Trump supporter and mega-gambling tycoon.
And then you also have all of these people who actually did business with Donald Trump. And what’s so remarkable about the constellation of Trump’s business partners found in these leaks, you know, as well as the people connected to his family, funders and campaign staff, is how much they all have in common.
You know, they all seem to embrace a sort of dynastic approach. You know, accumulate as much money and power as possible and then hand it off to your children.
It’s an extraordinary who’s who of the powerful and the wealthy. So for example, in the Panama Papers, you have the prime ministers of Iceland and of Pakistan. You had, in Spain, the ministry of – the minister of industry. You had the children of the president of Azerbaijan. And then you had all these incredibly wealthy people. For example, in the Paradise Papers, you have Wilbur Ross, the secretary of commerce for Donald Trump. You had major corporations like Apple and Nike. So there’s all kinds of people who use this system. But primarily, it’s for the very wealthy or multinational corporations. GROSS: And go deeper into the Trump administration – again, just a roll call of people who have had these offshore accounts that were uncovered in the Paradise or Panama Papers.

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